Wednesday, June 30, 2010

ABC Wednesday "X" is for "xenial"

"Xenial" means "hospitable, especially to visiting strangers or foreigners." The other day I visited my friend, Olja (OHL-ya), who had traveled with me to India last December. Like all Serbs, she's definitely hospitable, or xenial. For my visit she'd prepared Serbian plum dumplings, which I hadn't eaten for a long time.

I think I'll pay Olja another visit soon....

See what other bloggers have done with the letter X at ABC WEDNESDAY.


Sylvia K said...

Oh, those look delicious!!! Great word for the X day, too! Hope your week is going well! Enjoy!


photowannabe said...

Ummm, Yummm those look so good. I think I would be visiting your friend again too.
Great word for X.

Anonymous said...

A wonderful entry of yours, which changed mood. People rarely are able to do that. Thank you very much. A great Wednesday for you.

daily athens

Luis Gomez said...

It looks soo good!

Tash said...

These were my grandmother's favorites (she made them with potato dough) and it was always a whole day production. Xtra special!
What a lovely picture with "prave sljive" and the yummy dish. Thank you Olja and "Bibi".

Roger Owen Green said...

wow, 1st xenial of the week! feels like genial, does it not?

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Louis la Vache said...

Those plum dumplings look "plum delicious"!
«Louis» imagines they would be great served warm with vanilla ice cream and a nice espresso...

Cheryl said...

I'm with the rest of the ABC crew. Those plum dumplings are to die for.

Alexa said...

I have an idea—let's ALL go visit Olja! Yum, and great choice for X.

Chuck Pefley said...


I'm on a scooter trip around WA state this week, so not visiting many blogs. Posts are on auto-pilot.

Tumblewords: said...

Delicious - I didn't know the word so thanx for posting it!!

Olivier said...

avec nos deux posts aujourd'hui on va prendre au moins 10 kilos ;o)

Minjoni girl said...

Oh my gooodness, I love kndedle sa sljivama/kajsijama! I haven't had them in quite a long time; I think it's time to give Mom a call :-)

Tash, they're always made with potato dough. :-)

Suburban Girl said...

Ohhh, they do look good!

Ingrid said...

You make me think of tea time !!
Gattina ABC Team

Louis la Vache said...

«Louis» neglected to mention that he likes your new masthead photo.

Unknown said...

Now I've learned a new word today!!
'Xenial', that means 'hospitable'. Thank you for sharing!
Best wishes,

Anna's X-words

Gaelyn said...

So wonderful to have such a great friend to bake for you. Those look good enough to eat, several.

Really like your new header!

Daryl said...

I am loving the new header photo .. and this photo of those delectable looking pastries ... the composition with the 3 plums on the thingie behind .. awesome!!!!!!!!

Paul Franson said...

What a great X word. I'll be using this word more often here.

Were the dumplings as good as they looked?

Lowell said...

If this is what "xenial" ends up as being, I'm going to have to stay away...I don't think I could resist such goodies! And I'm "waisted" enough!

Marie-Noyale said...

Can I come too!!!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

It looks like a lot of baking is going on in the ABC world today. Lovely and yummy post.

Anonymous said...

My mother used to make these! I love them. You have reminded me to make some myself!


Kitty said...

wow what a delicious photo?
I love how well the textures came out.

Serline said...

Very sweet, ultra sinful ;-P


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.