Thursday, July 1, 2010

THEME DAY: Reflections--Turkish Pastries

Serbia was under Turkish rule for 500 years, and many traces remain in the language, music, overall culture, and of course the food. Turkish pastries are still appreciated, as seen from these sweet yummies in a shop window. Others are stacked in a tray visible in the reflection.

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


Gaelyn said...

These look so good. Making my mouth water.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Such a delightful rpesentation! They look delectable! And love the touch of silver for style!

Z said...


Luis Gomez said...

These look wonderful!

Minjoni girl said...

If you don't mind my asking, where is this place located?

Olivier said...

beau reflet gourmand

Jilly said...

My goodness, these look good! A beautiful - and tasty! - way to show reflections.

Pat said...

Minjoni girl...don't know the name of the street, but if you walk on Zmaj Jovina away from K. Mihailova you get to Obilicev Venac. Cross that street that leads to the parking garage. Keep going, and it's on the little street that is sort of a continuation of Zmaj Jovian, on the right side.

Tash said...

Definitely the most delicious reflection of the day. The silver coffee pot(?) is so lovely.

minjoni girl said...

Bibi, thanks for the clarification. Would that be on Toplicin venac?

B SQUARED said...

Yum. Yum. And yum!

Pat said...


I guess so...the little street that cuts to the left of Tanjug. said...

Great shot. The mirror "heighten" the yummy offering ;)

Louis la Vache said...

Now stop it, Bibi!
Two days in a row you've made «Louis» hungry!

Leif Hagen said...

Backlava, Backlava, please give me a piece of Backlava!!
Nice, yummy reflection for today!

Daryl said...

The reflected ones have less calories

Lowell said...

The Serbs do know how to eat, even if it's Turkish pastry! Lovely reflection!

Ineke said...

o wow, that would make a great dessert.

Anonymous said...

How nice to see that Baklava reaches out in "sweet peace". Please have a nice Friday.

daily athens

Michael Dulin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hilda said...

Ohhh! I think this is the most delicious post I have seen for today's theme! Now I want something sweet!

Serline said...

Ummm, definitely an east meets west look to these yummy pastries...

Thérèse said...

I prefer the pogacice (no idea how to write the word! sorry!) at the back.
The post dedicated to your blog was to show how much I like all the colors you are sending us from Belgrade!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.