Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sunday Bridges: "Roll out the barrel...or roll it in..."

The old drinking song goes "Roll out the barrel, we'll have a barrel of fun...." Here is a delivery man carrying out a barrel while another one rolls one in. Imagine the diners on the floating restaurants had a barrel of fun anyway, if in no other way than crossing these impromptu bridges, since recent high waters on both the Danube and the Sava rivers have caused some flooding.

Enjoy your Sunday.... This photo is part of Louis La Vache's Sunday Bridges.


Chuck Pefley said...

There's a big difference between full and empty beer kegs -:) Don't blame that guy for rolling the full one, although keeping it on that narrow bridge looks challenging.

Regarding Starbucks, I would rate their community involvement as better than many though in honesty I can't point to any specifics other than my sense of the company. That said, they are definitely a corporation, though facing hard times like the rest of us. Next month they will actually roll out "free" (gasp!) WiFi in an attempt to match some of the competition. Now if they would give free refills like they did 25 years ago, then I'd be happy to visit their stores again.

Gaelyn said...

Those little bridges look a little scary to me.

Unknown said...

i like your bridge! those drums are pontoons of this floating bridge--how wonderful!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

The bridge for rolling in the barrel looks pretty narrow. Best done with good balance and no early sipping of the merchandise. Hope no flooding came your way.

VioletSky said...

I love the idea of floating restaurants,though good balance would be needed to get across these bridges!

Cezar and Léia said...

Very very original, I like it a lot!
God bless you!

Kaori said...

Fun shot :D

Kitty said...

very summery. :-)

I can sense how hot it is there. No fun!

Alexa said...

If that's the way in and out, you probably don't have to worry about picking a designated driver—I wouldn't dare to drink any alcohol for fear of losing my balance on that narrow plank!

Daryl said...

I wonder if they need special tapping before use after all that rolling ...

Lowell said...

It might be kinda fun to be out there when the restaurants close and watch the heavy tipplers try to navigate those "impromptu bridges"!

Tash said...

I came by yesterday...but didn't have any clever remarks. I don't have any today either except that I like the side-by-side action. Great Sun-Brdgs post.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.