Monday, June 21, 2010

Cactus flowers

I have no green thumb. The only plants that do well for me are those that need either a lot of water or no water. I am always pleased when one of my cacti blooms like this one did. If you remember, I 'deflowered' one of my cacti last year when my tripod fell over on it. I took no chances with this one; used a long lens and no tripod.

Today is my mother's 86th birthday! Happy Birthday, Mother! Beginning of summer, too!


Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

Beautiful flower.

Janet said...

Happy birthday to your mother, and I love your flower photo!

Luis Gomez said...


Olivier said...

elles sont belles, une belle couleur

Thérèse said...

A beautiful firework display for a mother's birthday!

B SQUARED said...

A wonderful capture and best birthday wishes go out to your Mom from Northern Michigan. Cheers!

Daryl said...

Happy Birthday to your mom .. please tell her she raised a terrific woman!

Lowell said...

This is so wonderful! The more so when I read you used no tripod and a long lens! Such great colors and sharpness!

Happy birthday to your Mom!

Oh, I meant to tell you that I've read on good authority that a small piece of banana cake has no calories - well, not enough to worry about.

Now, if you go back and finish the whole thing...that's another story!

Tash said...

Happy, happy b-day to your mom. Mine was 81 last March. Those are most unusual looking cactus flowers. And the photo is divine.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.