His wife also creates handicrafts and pottery. If you'd like to watch a video, you can check out this Youtube site and you can also look at his site (in Slovakian...but there are photos.)
See other A's on ABC WEDNESDAY.
Impressions of Belgrade and Serbia and maybe photos from an in-country trip by a long-term ex-pat.
Anyone who can do this kind of work should be provided whatever is necessary to continue his craft. It's amazing and wonderful to see in our technological, computerized world!
These are wonderful! What a great work he does.
Amazing beautiful craftmanship. I love seeing that type of thing being carried on through the generations.
Perfect post for the letter A.
What a marvelous and interesting post for the A Day! What a great talent to have! Love your photos! I'm going to check out the video now! Hope you have a great week!
Amazing talent, I am always in awe of a great Artisan like this gentleman...what the world would lack without them...bkm
I love your collage, each photo is so important to tell the whole story. Amazing craftsman! Beautiful instruments and the shop is lovely.
We have Serbo-Slovak friends from Stara Pazova who lived in Pula for many years. It's the only other Slavic language I can mostly understand. The Slovaks have lived there for 100s of years and still maintained the language which I found really interesting.
What a treasure to have a talent such as that. Hope craftmanship like that never goes away.
A is also for applause, which is what I want to do for him, and all other artisans. Beautiful work!
I love the idea of a collage to showcase this wonderful artisan. Lovely images, Bibi.
Oh, the intelligence of that hand.
What beautiful craftsmanship - a pleasure to see - excellent post!
Such a noble and ancient skill. Probably a dieing art.
I agree with Jacob completely!
& I love Jan's workshop.
I'm very much pro-art and music. Such skill! Impressive!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
He looks like a master at his craft.
Wonderful, expressive photos. The collage tells his story so well. Thanks for the links, too.
LOVE the shot of this hand
Thanks so much for sharing this, Bibi! What a lucky man to be able to make his living this way, especially in this day and age. Hope the tradition continues.
Very affecting photos and story of an artist/artisan. I just heard a violin maker from New York City interviewed on National Public Radio talking about the pending sale of a Guanerius violin. The thought of violins reflecting their makers and the materials they are made from is amazing. Here's to the subtleties of the handmade in mass production world!
Helen Mac, ABC Team Newbie
The colour of the violin is some rich and vibrant - just like the violin sound I suppose.
A for Artisan is a good choice ..
The craftsmanship is mindblowing. So beautiful. A perfect selection of shots to make this superb collage. Love it so much.
a great artist indeed.. i loved the violins..!
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