Saturday, July 3, 2010

Reflections Weekend

This has to be one of the wettest summers ever in Belgrade. I'm tired of seeing 'Water, water, everywhere....'

This is for James' of Newtown Daily Photo's Reflections Weekend.


Boom Nisanart said...

Bibi, Love this reflection...I don't know why but I love it : )

Hull and Hereabouts said...

This is a lovely photo.
I'm jealous of your rain. We've had the driest six months for 80 years in UK.

Gemma Wiseman said...

I relate to the rain comment! I have never seen so mucyh rain here in Australia since I was a young child! We've had days upon days of wintry, wind-blown rain! But that reflection somehow has a sense of humour! Love it!

Hilda said...

Our rainy season has just started so I'm not sick of it yet. At least it provides respite from summer's humidity. Although in a few more weeks, I'm sure I'd feel the same. said...

we had a very wet June last year ( except when we were at the Brooklyn Bridge) & I didn't care for that at all! only this year it has been humid and grey without rain and now all of the plants are suffering.
at least the humidity broke a couple of days ago and the skies turned blue.
This is a nice reflection Bibi.

Luis Gomez said...

Lots of water Bibi!

Pam Lane said...

This made me laugh! Nice shot.

Anonymous said...

May all of you be safe and sound. Being in love with rain,this was surely nice to see.

daily athens

Stefan Jansson said...

We could use some rain in Stockholm.

Suburban Girl said...

Up to the ankles in water I see...

Bergson said...

des jambes bien mises en valeur

Thérèse said...

The best way perhaps would be to be "on the water" and look up at the sky and/or at the coast...
Bergson is stealing the show!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.