Friday, July 2, 2010

SKYWATCH -- The sun sets

The sun sets on Serbia's participation in the World Cup, having lost to Australia on June 23rd.
The sign draping the left side of the Genex Tower reads "Go, Eagles!", referring to the Serbian national team.

No victory, but they can still enjoy a beer.

Enjoy a beer and view other skies on SKYWATCH.


Jim said...

A wonderful effect in the sky.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Kim, USA said...

A very amazing sunset!! I love it. Happy weekend!

SWF:Fiery sky

Luis Gomez said...

Pretty wild looking!

Gaelyn said...

That is one weird looking sky with the sun rays blazing off what looks like neon ribbons instead of clouds. Awesome capture!

Sylvia K said...

That is one of the most unusual and dramatic sunsets I've ever seen! Terrific capture! And I'll drink to that! Have a great weekend!


Michael Dulin said...
This comment has been removed by the author. said...

sorry for your team!
this wondrous sky makes it all seem better though, eh?

Gemma Wiseman said...

Amazing blast of dramatic light in the sky made more stunning by that celebration poster! Great shot!

Lowell said...

A beer sounds good, win or lose. That is some fantastic sky. Well composed photo!

Serline said...

Amazing colors, almost apocalyptic...

Laura said...

that is one wild and firey sky shot, wow!!! too weird...the word verification below is hotorb! more like hot orb exploded in the sky!!

Daryl said...

WOW .. this is a excellent study in contrasts ..

Suburban Girl said...

Amazing sky.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.