Saturday, July 17, 2010

Reflections Weekend--rakia bottles

This little bottles filled with Serbian plum brandy are called cokancici (CHO-kan-chee-chee)and will be favors at my son's wedding on July 25th...perhaps many will be downed before being taken home. I filled about 160 of them and touched nary a drop, since I don't care for brandy! Pass the wine!

See more reflections at Newtown Daily Photo's Reflections Weekend.


Sylvia K said...

How fun! And I know it's going to be a great wedding! Terrific reflections for the day! I'm with you, pass the wine! Have a fun weekend!


Suburban Girl said...

Very pretty in a ground like that. I would like to try one!

Luis Gomez said...

Beautiful set of bottles.

Lowell said...

That's a very nice "favor"! I would guess "most" of them will be gone before the party's over! Sounds like you'll have bunch of folks celebrating with you.

Ah, and fill one of these glasses with your favorite wine, slip it in your purse, and no one will be the wiser. Especially after they had one of two of the cokancici!

Gaelyn said...

I'm not much of a drinker, but plum brandy sounds pretty tasty. What a nice favor the wedding guests.

Anca said...

Waiting also to see the little jars for the lady guests! :)

B SQUARED said...

After drinking Cokancici, I bet you can't pronounce Cokancici.

Alexa said...

Good thing you didn't ask me to help you fill the bottles—I love brandy. :~} They do make some lovely reflections too. Am looking forward to pix of your son's wedding

Rosie @ Centre of Interest said...

I like the bottles - it wont be long till the wedding now!

Francisca said...

Cute bottles and lovely capture! I'm a wine drinker too, but I'd enjoy to taste this brandy.

knez011 said...

That's lots of rakija there!

Louis la Vache said...

You didn't have to touch a drop. In filling 160 of these, you'd get high just from the fumes!

Louis la Vache said...

BTW - nice shot for Weekend Reflections...

Dani said...

заиста дивно. I really like it. Хвала!

Have a great Sunday!

Z said...

They are so cute!

Anonymous said...

It's a lovely still life.

NastyTravelers said...

Sorry that I and my friend didn´t had time to try those cokancici when we were in Belgrade last week..
Nice picture, makes me wanna drink all of them.


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!