Friday, July 30, 2010

SKYWATCH--rooftop 'gusle' player

Last April I showed you this 'gusle' player and now here is another, perched under a bright-blue sky with a companion (who is eyeing me) atop a building downtown.

Check out other skies at SKYWATCH.


Sylvia K said...

Ah, yes! You've got to watch those 'gusle' players!! What a terrific capture! Beautiful blue skies make a great back drop for him and his companion! Hope you have a lovely weekend! Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful mean to measure time, life and beauty.
Please have a great Friday.

daily athens

stan said...

music in the skies! great shot!

Marites said...

i love the shot! great blue sky and it seems like the gusle player's looking down on you:) happy weekend!

B SQUARED said...

For whom does the Gusle player, play?

Gaelyn said...

The companion does appear to be watching you. Very interesting capture.

Kim, USA said...

Great angle and the blue sky is pretty. happy weekend!


Daryl said...

Looking up gets the best photo ops!

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Kcalpesh said...

A little mysterious, but very beautiful capture..

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 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.