Friday, July 16, 2010

Skywatch--View of part of New Belgrade

It's nice to have friends in high places. I took this view of part of New Belgrade from a friend's tenth-floor window. The large building in the foreground is the municipal building and across the street is Saint Demetrius of Salonica's church, where my son will be married on July 25th.

Check out more skies on SKYWATCH.


Olivier said...

waouhh magnifique photo (avec un leger traitement HDR ?) j'adore les couleurs et la lumiere

Pat said...

Bonsoir, Olivier. A vrai dire, il ne s'agit pas de HDR, mais plutot l'usage de 'shadows and highlights' pour relever les couleurs/contrastes. Cela donne, je crois, a peu pres le meme effet.

Olivier said...

cela donne en effet le même type de résultat mais moins dur que le HDR, et je trouve que cela très très bien avec ta photo, BRAVO

Gaelyn said...

A beautiful sky over a modern part of the city. Congrats to your son and future DIL.

Rosie @ Centre of Interest said...

Have a wonderful wedding and I hope the skies are lovely and clear that day for the wedding photos. This is a beautiful scene over the city.

Sylvia K said...

Gorgeous skies and an interesting look at a newer part of the city! Terrific capture! Best wishes for much happiness to your son and your DIL to be! Thanks so much for participating in Sky Watch!! Have a wonderful weekend!


VioletSky said...

What a great view your friends have! And that looks a nice big church for the wedding.

Tash said...

I love shots from up high! Your son will so appreciate having this photo many years from now. OMGosh, the wedding is in 10 days. You sound very calm with such a big event around the corner.

Lowell said...

Gorgeous view! I'll be you are excited about the upcoming that reddish building the church?

I'll also bet you're very busy these days! Hope you'll share some photos of the wedding.

Alexa said...

Well, whatever you did to "améliorer" this photo, it worked. I feel you don't usually show us this part of Belgrade, rather the older and possibly more picturesque areas—yes?
{BTW, your son is getting married on my 35th wedding anniversary—does it count if you're not exactly married anymore but still really good friends?}

Jilly said...

A beautiful shot, Bibi. Love that sky. And the church. So an exciting day to come and I hope we get to see photos of your son's big day.

Ruth said...

Beautiful postcard of a lovely city. Great top view. Great shot!

B SQUARED said...

Oh boy! Another wedding. Pictures, pictures, pictures.

Liliana Holtzman said...

I have an uncle who lives in Novi Beograd, on the 15th floor!
I feel dizzy just thinking about it!

Best of luck to your son! I hope it will be a glorious wedding.

Costea Andrea Mihai said...

excellent perspective!! bravo

x_pEpPeRoNi_x said...

To get this kind of view from the tenth floor!

Low buildings, big road, a wonderful sky.

Nice photo! said...

what a cool cityscape. It's a nice way to get a feel of New Belgrade.
& how exciting about your son's marriage - which also happens to be my sister-in-law & nephews birthday!
Congratulations Bibi!

Ineke said...

my son turned 11 today, i cannot grasp him (or any of my children) getting married. Wow. How come the streets are so empty? Is it always like that?

Tracy said...

Makes me want to move to the 10th floor! Lovely picture, awesome lighting. Good luck to your son!


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