Monday, August 2, 2010


This old mailbox on a garden gate in a town not far from Belgrade caught my eye. The number 42 seems to have been painted/etched on three times, hence the title for this post.


Gaelyn said...

I like the ivy on the gate.

Olivier said...

voila une vieille boite aux lettres, j'aime , elle aurait plein d'histoire a nous raconter

Bergson said...

une boite aux lettres qui a du voir passer 2 ou 3 générations de facteurs

B SQUARED said...

I know that snail mail is slow, but this seems extreme.

Birdman said...

I like this one. Nice work.

Daryl said...

Math .. its too early in the morning on a Monday to do math .. LOL .. nice shot!

Thérèse said...

How interesting I just took a picture this morning of a door in Aniane, France, on which there was three times the number 2, when I will post it, I will let you know...

Alexa said...

What a great shot! The old gate and box and the new berries on the vine, the light—it's all just lovely.

Suburban Girl said...

Makes a great shot!

Stefan Jansson said...

One of my favourite numbers! It's the answer to everything as we all know.

Jilly said...

The combination of the ancient box, the numbers, the climber, that glorious rust and the light - all makes one perfect photo.


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!