Wednesday, August 18, 2010

ABC Wednesday "E" is for "erotic"

I can see a couple of items here that would fall into the 'erotic' category. Maybe you would like to buy something to combine with the sandals I showed yesterday....

See other E's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Luis Gomez said...

Yesterday's sandals and today's legs have made this week wonderful so far!

Sylvia K said...

I love it! Have to agree with Luis!! Fun post for the E day! Hope your week is going well! Enjoy!


Kim, USA said...

OH lalala that is a lot!
ABC Wednesday~E

Vinay Leo R. said...

LOLZ :D an enormously humorous E post


Roger Owen Green said...

Oddly unerotic, but maybe, with the right wearer...

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Alexa said...

Worn by women but designed for men! Is there an equivalent sexy fashion for men? I don't think so—and that's because women have more imagination.
(Nice choice for E, Bibi!)

Bob Crowe said...

Erotic or surrealist? Salvador Dali would have loved to visit this kiosk.

Olivier said...

cela fait film d'horreur, des jambes zombies envahissent la ville ;)) bien vu la photo

Pam Lane said...

More disturbing than erotic -- the stuff of nightmares! Fun picture :-)

photowannabe said...

My goodness, that's a real attention-getter.
Its kind of wierd seeing all of those legs just hanging around.

Gerald (SK14) said...

great stuff - saw your post at the forum - my email notifications of comments are getting through OK - sometimes there is a delay.

Costea Andrea Mihai said...

:) well seen!! regards

Annelie said...

Hahahaha! Funny, I wonder how I would look like in those erotic ones...
Not sexy in all cases, more like a RAGAMUFFIN....*LOL*

Annelie E
ABC Wednesday Team

Verna Luga said...

love to own one .. but with the body and head .. complete..LOL..

My ABC Wednesday here

Francisca said...

What a unique kiosk! I suppose a "leg" man (or woman, for that matter) could find this erotic. Clever post for E. :-D

Kitty said...

oh my. How could one choose?

Cheryl said...

EEK! Those are some legs and the stockings are something to behold. Great E!

Minjoni Girl said...

As my outraged grandmother would say, "juuuuuuuu!"

Daryl said...

Too funny .. but a clever way to display the merchandise

Leif Hagen said...

LOL! Tooo funny - nice capture!

VioletSky said...

legs of all sizes and colours!

Thérèse said...

Belle originalité dans la photo et dans l'idée marketing...

Gaelyn said...

Are you sure there aren't some real legs in there somewhere? ;)

Z said...

It looks surreal!

PJ said...

Oh la la!

Louis la Vache said...

So has "Frederick's of Hollywood" taken over your blog?
Based on this and yesterday's post, it would appear so!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.