Wednesday, September 8, 2010

ABC WEDNESDAY "H" is for "hands"

You can tell a lot about people by their hands. This hand belongs to my new daughter-in-law's father and I photographed it on the sly during a dinner party shortly after my son's recent wedding.

See other H's ABC WEDNESDAY.


Olivier said...

un beau close-up en b&w

Sylvia K said...

Great word for the H Day and a terrific photo! Congratulations to your daughter! Hope your week is going well! Enjoy!


Gigi Ann said...

Hands are unique. He looks like he is in deep thought.

Suburban Girl said...

I like seeing the hand with part of the says more than just the hands alone.

Thérèse said...

Ah le langage des mains! Cette photo ne fait pas exception au fait que j'ai toujours beaucoup aimé observer les mains.

Tumblewords: said...

How wonderful! Strong, kind, handsome!

photowannabe said...

Strength and power captured in black and white. Excellant.

Gaelyn said...

I like your candid shots.

Luis Gomez said...

Love this shot! Great image. I agree with you I like photographing details like this one.

Chuck Pefley said...

Very sneaky -:) I see you're enjoying your new lens.

Verns said...

very clever shot ... he's got lovely fingers...

Hope you can drop by
My ABC Wednesday post here

Bob Crowe said...

This is a really nice piece of work. The juxtaposition of hand and face, in and out of focus, raises questions but does not give answers.

Randy said...

Wonderful photo!

Wanda said...

There is so much feeling and expression in hands. I took a picture of my Aunt's hands at 98 before she passed away. They told the story of her life! I looked for that photo for my post, but didn't find it in time.

Leslie: said...

I can tell he takes care of is hands by keeping his nails clean and nicely clipped. Great photo!

Alexa said...

Wonderful photo! My talented semi-pro photographer dad taught me the importance of hands in a portrait—a lesson you have obviously learned well.
(And I also chose "hands" this time around!) said...

I so agree with you about this Bibi!
& this is a beautiful shot too.

Z said...

I love the mood in this image

Roger Owen Green said...

HANDSOME photo. Yes, the hands tell a lot. And I do like your b&w photo.

Roger Owen Green said...

Oh, phooey - I forgot to tell you I'm from ABC Wednesday team!

Louis la Vache said...

«Louis» has to HAND it to you for consistently posting interesting photos, Bibi.

Costea Andrea Mihai said...

very expressive!! good shot!

B SQUARED said...

What a wonderful study.

Wendy said...

Hands are so important to me, esp. when I look at men. This mans hands are full of love, comfort and hard-working. I would love to see a series on hands, this :)

Kate said...

Interesting to see how many people link up with different groups. Hands is a great subject for this meme's, "H."

Daryl said...

its a beautiful shot

PJ said...

Beautifully done, I can tell you care for your extended family. Avery sweet gesture.

I've been thinking about doing ABC Wednesday, is it difficult coming up with the right image each week.


 Maybe it's the state of the world that affects me now, particularly in my home country. Everything seems dark and ominous. Clearer skie...