Impressions of Belgrade and Serbia and maybe photos from an in-country trip by a long-term ex-pat.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Entomologist needed
I have no idea what this bug was (it is now deceased, though it appears to have just passed on while on my curtain; I had nothing to do with its demise)and so I am appealing to all you (?) entomologist bloggers out there.
In any case, I liked the patterns on its wings, which resemble those on the curtain.
It's an antlion. While most have skinny abdomens, there are a few with stockier builds, like this American species: and
Such a perfect camouflage for the delicate creature. You couldn't have planned a better image. I love that this happened. I hope the familiarity of the lace pattern gave it some comfort if it was ailing. -Kim
Sorry, Bibi, for a 2nd comment. OK, folks... it's an ANTLION in the order Neuroptera and is closely related to dobsonflies and lacewings.
on dirait un cameleon, il se perd dans le rideau....belle prise
I love the photo—as for the beautiful insect, I'd like to say it's some kind of dragonfly (except I don't think they have antennae).
It's an antlion. While most have skinny abdomens, there are a few with stockier builds, like this American species: and
Oh. Nature ID proved «Louis» wrong. He thought it was the infamous Belgrade Curtain Bug...
imi,place mult ultima fotografie
I'd call it a lacewing, but don't quote me.
He (she) blends in, beautifully.
How beautiful. What a stunning photograph. Looks like a dragonfly in terms of the wings but I haven't a clue. Just it's beautiful.
regardless of what it is/was, its a wonderful photo
Such a perfect camouflage for the delicate creature. You couldn't have planned a better image. I love that this happened. I hope the familiarity of the lace pattern gave it some comfort if it was ailing.
It's some sort of the wasp. Dragonflies don't have antennas like this one...
It is a damsel fly, we have something similar here in South Carolina. Harmless.
Sorry, Bibi, for a 2nd comment. OK, folks... it's an ANTLION in the order Neuroptera and is closely related to dobsonflies and lacewings.
Wonderful photo but my god i am a whimp! I would have screamed the house down if i found it in my curtain!
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