Wednesday, August 4, 2010

ABC Wednesday--"C" is for 'controller'

They say there's no such thing as a free lunch, but for many people in Belgrade, there has been a free ride. For a long time, many commuters risked their luck (read: cheated) by not punching or even buying a bus ticket. There were plain-clothes 'controllers' who occasionally confronted passengers and fined them, or at least attempted to, but this was often unsatisfactory and unsafe for the controllers.... Now new controllers are on the prowl, clearly identified with their fluorescent green vests and traveling in pairs if not packs.

It looks as if the gentleman on the left was thinking, 'Thank goodness I had my ticket', but he's really just wiping his face from the heat that plagued Belgrade when I took this photo.

See other C's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Stefan Jansson said...

That's one of my hobbies. A bit risky, but you only live once!

photowannabe said...

Love this true life shot. An interesting story that seems to plague transit systems the world over. I guess nothing is really new under the sun.

Georgia said...

I love how you told the story with the phot...ecspecially how you wrote what you thought people were thinking. I love doing that!

Luis Gomez said...

Great post and image Bibi.

Sylvia K said...

I love it!!! What a fantastic capture and you can almost feel the heat!! Fun post -- maybe wasn't fun for those guys, but it surely read funny!! Enjoy the rest of your week!


Gaelyn said...

I wonder if that's why everybody is frowning.

Alexa said...

I see you've been shooting from the hip again! Very nicely done, Bibi. Here's how it works in Venice: If you've bought a ticket for the vaporetto, they'll never ask to see it. If on the other hand you've decided to risk riding without one, someone will definitely ask for it!

Wanda said...

What a interesting study in human faces. said...

I love all of their faces.

Olivier said...

c'est un jeux, on joue a pile ou face, est ce qu'il y aura un contrôleur ou pas ;) sauf qu'en certain endroit de la banlieue parisienne, les contrôleurs n'osent plus venir de peur de se faire agresser en cas de contrôle positif ;((

Roger Owen Green said...

when we used to have zoned rides, an argument would almost invariably break out between the driver and a rider every time the zone line was crossed, holding the rest of us hostage

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

B SQUARED said...

This is a really great shot. The faces you have captured are extraordinary.

Lowell said...

And I'll bet a lot of those cheaters go to church on Sunday morning...

I don't think I'd want the controller job. Over here you'd get shot!

Does look rather warm there. But then it was 102 here yesterday.

Unknown said...

Pity the poor controller! No one looks happy on the bus that day. Does anyone tell you that they do not want to be in you picture?
Thank you for a peak at the daily life of Beograd!
Helen Mac
ABC team

Virginia said...

I'm too chicken to try it in Paris on the Metro. It does irk me that I buy my tickets and then others scoot in behind you and skip!

Daryl said...

Even without your explanation that's a super photo with a story to tell.

Chuck Pefley said...

Tickets and rules are certainly important. Hope your heat has abated by now.

Vinay Leo R. said...

lot of expressions in one photograph.. a lovely capture..!

Tumblewords: said...

I absolutely love this photo and story!

Louis la Vache said...

No one seems to be happy in this photo. Very interesting shot, Bibi.

Turnstile jumpers are a big problem in Paris, too. Many of them are very blatant about it.

Kim said...

Love this slice of transit life you've captured. I thought perhaps the man with hand raised was attempting to block your shot. Was this a famous Bibi belly sneaky shot? :-).


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.