Friday, September 3, 2010

SKYWATCH--Sand martin nests

See the nests?

You won't if you're looking in the trees. These holes in the sandy soil of Deliblato Sands are sand martin nests. Sand martins are members of the swallow family. Deliblato Sands (Deliblatska Peščara) make up the largest sandy terrain in Europe, and were once part of a vast prehistoric desert. Part of the Sands is only about an hour out of Belgrade.

See other skies on SKYWATCH.


Luis Gomez said...

Great shot. Great picture. Pretty amazing.

Steffi said...

Wow...great photo.I like the colours!

Sylvia K said...

Such interesting history! Marvelous capture and beautiful skies! Doesn't get any better! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


Gaelyn said...

That's a huge colony of martin nests and a beautiful blue sky to fly.

Alexa said...

Fascinating! I'd love to see them all fly out of their nests at once. Have you?

Thérèse said...

The picture is beautiful and the sand martins amazing. I just read about them by curiosity.So it's probably here their nesting place. I wonder about the noise at night?

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Very tricky, Bibi! I just looked them up as well and wondered if they come back to the same nesting area from year to year as do our martins in USA?

And, it is a beautiful sky for your theme.

Pat said...

Alexa, oddly enough, I didn't see a single bird (lots of poo-poo...) in any of the holes. They were either way back or else flying somewhere!

Genie--my guess is that they probably do!

Therese, it was eerily quiet when I took this photo; birds out or gone...or maybe they do come back and make noise at night!

Jim said...

A rogue cloud in the blue sky.

B SQUARED said...

Now this is pretty interesting.

Sharon Creech said...

Those colors, those nests! Wow!

Teuvo Vehkalahti said...

Very nice photo, I like
aal lookin also fotoblog Teuvo images
and pleace your comments

Than you



Merisi said...

"I wandered lonely as a cloud. That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd .... "

I am sure, Wordsworth would have loved the view of sand martins just as much as the daffodils! Beautifully captured, Bibi! :-) said...

wow, that is so cool! & the little birds are adorable too.

& thank you Bibi for your thinking of Priscilla. Thankfully she is home resting and recovering and doing really well.
Your message meant so much my friend.
: )

Chuck Pefley said...

I wonder if Sand Dollars are the official coin of the San Martin realm -:)

Gemma Wiseman said...

The sand almost looks like honeycomb with all those holes! Fascinating photo and information!

Daryl said...

Fantastic shot and sky is so lovely


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