She told me that she immediately ran cold water over the burn, then plunged her thumb into raw egg white and held it there (two eggs, I believe....) for 15 minutes, which soothed the pain. She says that if she had remembered to IMMEDIATELY plunge the thumb into the egg whites, she would have had NO blister....that's what Serbian folk medicine says...
That looks painful.(2ND degree burn?) It looks like one of my ears after I was burned during a fire fighting exercise in the navy. They gave me silvadene cream and after a while the burn went away with out a trace. However the memories will last a lifetime. :)
I am sure that hurts!
Oh bless her heart. I will try and remember the Serbian cure!
That has got to hurt. Poor thing, I hope it heals soon.
That will hurt again once the skin breaks, I'm sure...You'll have to tell us the Serbian folk medicine for that phase too. I do find it rather fascinating. That is probably the BIGGEST burn blister I've ever seen.
ma grand-mère disait qu'il fallait se badigeonner la brulure avec une pomme de terre crue....Impressionnant... j'espère qu'elle ne souffre pas trop
That is one nasty looking burn. I use ice to keep the blister down. Never heard of the Serbian method but will keep it in mind.
Quite a trophy ... I hope the casserole didn't land on the floor! An interesting remedy, too.
Ouch! Never seen something like this, hope it heals soon.
Oh dear!
A cure to remember when we don't have any aloe plant around.
Ouch, indeed! That's quite a blister!
Here's the answer to Qu'est-ce que c'est?.
Yikes .. if that was me, that blister would be popped, salve applied along with a bandaid ...
OH! It is huge!
Ouchie Mamma! That is a blister!
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