Saturday, September 18, 2010

Reflections Weekend--Boop-boop-a-doop!

My mother loves Betty Boop, I love Betty Boop, and my daughter loves Betty Boop. When will it end? Never, I hope, since Betty Boop is the epitome of feminism, even if feminists might denounce her. This Serbian Betty stands in a window of a fashionable store downtown.

Check out other reflections at Newtown Daily Photo.


Olivier said...

je suis amoureux de betty boop ;)) la plus belle de toute

Sylvia K said...

Betty Boop is the best! How fun! And what a great reflection for the day! Hope you enjoy a wonderful weekend!


J e l e n a said...

I haven't seen this Betty in Belgrade. Is there anyone who wouldn't just stop by the window and look! The shop owners made a great choice. We had a cartoon here in Srbia when II was little but I don't know if the little kids now know who she is. Breathtaking!Is this in Dorćol?

Gaelyn said...

Ain't she cute! said...

& she looks spectacular Bibi!
Lovely reflection!

Alexa said...

I love her too, Bibi! Hey, what's not to love? (Plan to feature her myself soon.)

Kim, USA said...

Oh my gush, Betty boop is sexy as always. Happy weekend!
Orchid reflection

Luis Gomez said...

What a beauty!

Tash said...

totally hot. like this "kolekciju za jesen".
Happy reflecting.

Z said...


Randy said...

Wow Betty is everywhere. Nice capture.

Marianne said...

Bibi, I snapped that very window with Betty Boop about a year ago, printed a copy and made a card for my retiring principal. She loved B.B. - a teacher had given her a large cardboard standup of her.

wenn said...

lovely reflection!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Bibi, Betty Boop was before my time (and yours!) but her image is ageless. I love the life-sized image and your reflection. Red is always a perfect choice for a lady!

James said...

What a fun shot! My mother would love this. :)


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.