Last Wednesday, according to my new friend
Lixiu, (LEE-hyoo) who will soon be leaving Belgrade after her three-week business trip, was the Moon Festival in China. I had bought moon cakes at the Chinese Market when I visited it with her the other week, and so we walked along the river to look at that big, bright moon and then returned to her company's apartment to eat moon cakes. I found that moon cakes very much resemble Fig Newton cookies in taste and texture, and although I thought the Chinese characters might have meant something like "Peace," "Prosperity," or "Health," she told me these simply indicate the cake's filling, which in this case is... "pear."
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Wow, moon cakes under the moon. That's perfect!
Bibi, I think it is funny that the characters on the cakes only tell what is in them rather than offering some word of wisdom! Lovely shot of the moon. We will be seeing it in several hours. Thanks for the advance look!
Gorgeous shot of the moon and the moon cakes are so fascinating! The markings look like so legendary script!
Great shot of the moon. Like how it's framed by leafy tree branches. Cloudy here on the east coast, so I didn't even see the moon (saw the almost-full mooon the night before.
Won't be seeing that moon in Seattle as it is far two cloudy. Lovely for you, though. I like Fig Newtons.
beautiful moon photo...and mmmm pear filling sounds delicious!
That's pretty funny, actually. This is why I would never get a tattoo of a Chinese word or saying without first having it checked by an actual Chinese person. :~}
And that shot of the moon (huge right now, isn't it?) is just stunning!
I'll take a dozen, they look tasty!
How wonderful that you have formed a friendship with Lixiu and showed her around the town. Hospitality is the number one characteristic that we have and I hope that she found many more goodhearted folks to help her. These cookies just make me laugh. Who would have thought that Chienese characters are saying that. We over analyse things and always think that there is some kind of hidden meaning. Just plain great! It's like when you hear art historians talk about a certain painting for hours and explain why the artist did something in such and such way. I get to thinking that maybe someone just loved their cat and added it to the painting or needed a bit of black for the contrast.
je préfère les gâteaux a la lune, mais c'est parce que je suis très gourmand ;))
The moon look beautiful and the cookies are inviting!
Love your blog great posts and imagery. I am always interested in other parts of the world and you can only truly know a place if you have lived there for a time.
Sounds great!
Wow, you have photos I will remember!:)
Oh I would like that .. pear is a nice filling .. and what a lovely moon ..
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