Thursday, September 30, 2010

You gotta be pushy...

If you're a mushroom, it definitely pays to be pushy. I walk my dog near this spot every day, and this big guy just wasn't there the evening before.....out he came, overnight.


ramy_v said...

Almost looks like a lost golf ball.


Houston Daily Photo

Randy said...

They've got to be strong to push through all that dirt. Great shot.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Wow, it does almost look like a golf ball. Bibi, great shot! Is it edible (non-poisonous)?

Alexa said...

Gotta agree with Genie—great find and great shot. Mushrooms—can't eat them but still appreciate them!

Olivier said...

on dirait une balle de golf ;o)

Gaelyn said...

Mike thought it was his lost golf ball. Yet to me it resembles that poisonous amanita I posted not too long ago. Those shrooms do pop up fast and don't last long either.

J e l e n a said...

Nature is just so beautiful!

Luis Gomez said...

I had never seen one like that!

Jilly said...

I think these golf ball mushrooms can be eaten. Not sure tho!

Louis la Vache said...

Bring your 9-irion on your next walk!

B SQUARED said...

On first glance, I thought it was a golfball.

Daryl said...

Oh the famous golf ball mushrooms

Ken Mac said...

some kind of monster


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.