Oh, how many knick-knacks I've had in my life.... and now I'm trying to get rid of them all, keeping only the most precious, but which ones....?
This window in Zemun could have been mine at one time...
Do you collect anything?
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ABC Wednesday.
Nice image. A big array of things. I collect coffee mugs.
Blue window! So cute!
I use to collect Knick-Knacks, but no more. I guess I must collect earrings, and books. I have more of them then anything else.
i'm totally off collecting. i have music and books, but i use them.
used to collect coins before they were stolen.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
I've had so many knick-knacks in my life that I've tucked them all away and try to keep things clean and simple now. Great post - have a great week. :D
Gorgeous color of the window and display. I want that Snoopy cloth!
I know, paring down on knick-knacks is so tough. Let's see -- I have stamps, and pitchers, and pictures for walls, and travel books, and ... I'm sure I'm blocking out a ton of other stuff.
"Bibi" - thought you'd enjoy seeing this view from the past.
Love the Knick Knacks in the window. I used to be anactive Disney collector and Occupied Japan figurines, plus a gillion other things. Since moving most of that stuff is still packed away in boxes.
What a captivating window! Great shot, Bibi.
Collect? Beads, glass, pottery, Pez,.....
I love that window. Could be mine too, if I had windows like that.
I collect Many things, rocks, jewelry, jr ranger badges, photos, boxes.....
The first association, when I saw this was Gardoš and familiarity of the window. It reminds me of Amelia Poulen! I use to collect lots of things, and now it is just books and recipes!
Snoopy, Snoopy, je suis un fan de Snoopy. Belle fenetre pour enfant
well seen!! regards
«Louis» has a collection of Packard and Studebaker cars ranging in size from 1/72nd scale to 1/18th scale - and many little knick-knacks from his time in France as well: TinTin and Milou, le Petit Prince, etc...
We spend the first part of our lives collecting all kinds of things. We spend the second part getting rid of all of it.
Hi there, just found your blog via Genie. You take some truly spectacular snaps!
I love the window display! I don't have too many knickknacks because my cats find them to be the perfect toys.
Love this window and your banner shot. I collect blogs and blog friends HA....and a Eiffel Towers, and books on Paris and.........
Very striking! I have always wanted to live in a house that looks like this. But then, with my OCD I'd have a hard time with all the lovely clutter. ;-)
I dont collect things but people keep giving me things they think I collect .. first it was magnets from places THEY went .. and then I got mugs from everywhere anyone went ... most of the mugs have been given away to people who really do collect them .. the magnets? All over my fridge.
That is a super window .. tho I wouldnt want to have to dust all those tschakas
Wonderful window, Bibi. I'm always fascinated by the things people collect and how they generally manage to display their collections in an artful way.
I don't consciously collect anything other than photos, and today those are primarily digital in nature. I've also a large number of scooter related things -:)
I love this photo. It's full of 'still' life! I collect almost anything that comes through my doors, including dust. It's easier to collect than it is to uncollect.
How did I miss this post? Agree with B-squared, but in the meantime I cherish my Eiffel Towers and would have a hard time getting rid of my travel books.
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