Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The DNA Fountain

Well, I didn't know when I published this photo last June that the 'fountain' I'd shown was really the bare bones of a fountain that had been removed for technical reasons and recently replaced, as you see above. It is called the DNA Fountain, and represents a double helix. The fountain was returned to its original location just off of Republic Square where young science students often meet. And yes, true to its name, the DNA fountain is an exact copy of its predecessor. :)


Luis Gomez said...

It does look a lot better!

Randy said...

Interesting fountain.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

I do love the double helix, having seen the staircase in the Loire Valley, also! Lovely fountain.

J e l e n a said...

I have walked past this fountain a thousand times and I have never noticed it. It is not bad, not bad at all!

Gaelyn said...

I like the fountain. But your header shot is really great.

B SQUARED said...

I hope the other students are welcome, too.

Alexa said...

I was going to say pretty much what Gaelyn said. I love that they kept the fountain running when it was being dismantled.

Lowell said...

That is so funny. I remember the previous fountain. It looked like it was unfinished and/or not functioning properly.

This is much better.

Daryl said...

I love fountains .. thats a good one

dianasfaria.com said...

Love your new banner photo Bibi - Beautiful!
& I also like to think of the young science students gathered around the DNA fountain too.

Olivier said...

c'est amusant, au genopode d'evry, on a la meme sculpture sauf qu'elle ne fait pas fontaine. j'aime beaucoup

Carraol said...

Great design, looks very original, remind me the incredible book by James D. Watson, The Double Helix!

Tash said...

Well named. I like the fountain, seems like a dance of a couple, that shall never embrace :|


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.