Monday, October 25, 2010

The Happy Housewives

Definitely not Desperate Housewives, these ladies. This wall art beckoned me down a passageway where I expected to find pots of simmering, home-cooked dishes. Instead the menu bore only names of cocktails, wines, and beer. I can see why these 'Vesele Domacice' (VEh-seh-leh do MAH cheet-seh) are happy: lots of drinks and no cooking to do! If you read Serbian, here's their site!


Luis Gomez said...

Sounds good! Did you have a good time?

Randy said...

What a great place. Nice artwork too.

Olivier said...

photo culte de cette peinture murale ;o)

Pat said...

Luis, I was with my dog, time! said...

ha ha ha - so true Bibi! & she does look unusually happy...

Gaelyn said...

Sure is a fun graphic.

Louis la Vache said...

(hic) Happy Houshwives (hic) huh? (hic)...

No, Marie! The brandy goes into the pan to be flambéed, NOT in you while you are cooking!

Lowell said...

I'm also wondering if you stuck around to order something!

Funny comment on Ocala DP: I hadn't thought about the scarecrow smoking - that would probably be the last of the poor thing!

B SQUARED said...

Sounds like my kind of place.

Daryl said...

Another wonderful new header shot!

And I think they are happy because they dont cook, they drink!

Costea Andrea Mihai said...

:) nice work!! well seen!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Always amazes me in the greyest of concrete areas you can find the most wonderful splash of colour. She looks happier than I do cooking.

Alexa said...

That's my idea of domesticity! Nice find, Bibi.

Tash said...

I like it all - the photo, the cartoon, the name, the rooms (what an interesting concept - opening a caffe in an apartment), and the opening hours - till 2 am! (I still cannot believe that everything in London shuts down at 11 or so.)


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.