Tuesday, October 5, 2010


This elderly lady was walking in Tasmajdan Park last Sunday and I was intrigued by her shoes. They seem to have heels and soles which are atypical of what older ladies usually wear; they looked quite stylish to me.


Luz said...

Interesante muy bueno!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Bibi, she's walking lively with one foot and the cane off the ground. I would say that she is in training! Yay for her!

(wv= dooder, but I would have said "doodette")

Bob Crowe said...

Interesting detail. Heaven help us, we should all be so spry when we reach her age.

Gaelyn said...

Very unusual heal for sure.

Leif Hagen said...

She's a stylin' lady! Now, I wish you could catch her wearing rolling skates next ...

dianasfaria.com said...

yes they do & I would love a pair too!
Great catch Bibi.

Olivier said...

les petits détails qui font les belles photos, bien vu et bonne idée

Louis la Vache said...

You decided her shoes were stylish when she whopped you upside the head with her cane for thinking they WEREN'T stylish. That's why she calls her cane "The Persuader"...

J e l e n a said...

Bravo for her!

B SQUARED said...

Get a picture of some dumb celebrity wearing a pair and they'll sell a million of them.

Z said...

i really like those shoes

Daryl said...

Odd .. they sort of remind me of those Earth Shoes where the heels were lower so you walked sort of tilted back ... I hope no one steps on the backs of those because cane or not she'd fall down and go boom

Alexa said...

Looks like they've given her quite a spring in her step too! Not exactly high-heeled sneakers, but I like them a lot better.

Chuck Pefley said...

Absolutely love this!!!

Jilly said...

Oh yes, very stylish. These sort of shoes are so comfortable and she's sensible to have chosen them. Love the shot.

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