Wednesday, October 6, 2010

ABC Wednesday "L" is for "Lookin at you!"

Sometimes you look through your lens and something or somebody's staring right back at you. In this collage you see (and they see you!) a billy goat, a woman looking out her window, Prince Michael as wall art, and a praying mantis....not sure where her mate is, but I think he might not be around anymore....

Note: Here's another shot I took and was surprised....

See what others have done with the letter L on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Luis Gomez said...

Great shots Bibi.

Gaelyn said...

These are All Great looks!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Okay, today I cannot pick a favorite as they are all "looking" and all looking (appearing) very different! Bibi, you are so very creative and talented with a camera!


Olivier said...

un beau montage avec des choix differents. j'aime bien la photo de la dame a la fenetre, cette photo aurait merite un post a elle toute seule, d'apres moi

Birdman said...

Really like that image of the window and the lady.

Roger Owen Green said...

I'm LOOKING Through You! - Beatles
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

PJ said...

Yeah, love this. Anyone of them could stand on their own, together they're bring all kinds of thoughts to mind.

Tumblewords: said...

An extremely clever post - the photos and theme are superb!

Alexa said...

Love the things you've found through your talented lens. (I especially love the praying mantis, but they're all great!

Chuck Pefley said...

Gotta smile at these -:)

Here's looking at you, too!

Carraol said...

Great collage, the one of the woman look mysterious and is a superb image!

Louis la Vache said...

Good one, Bibi! «Louis» thought about your "I've been shot" post when he saw this - and there you had the link to it!

Mo said...

Great looks. All of them.

Daryl said...

Oh that's fun ..

Bergson said...

je me sens observé !!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.