Wednesday, November 17, 2010

ABC Wednesday "R" is for "Razing"

Eleven and a half years later, the former Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, which was bombed during the NATO bombing of Belgrade in 1999, is finally being razed. Some say the embassy's bombing was not an accident, as NATO claimed, but was done deliberately. In any event, the Chinese now have a new embassy here in Belgrade in another location.

Find out what other R's are out there on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Cezar and Léia said...

So sad event about this NATO day, good news the Chinese embassy is working in another location.
Dramatic shot!
REGARDS from Luxembourg, and a nice day to you BIBI!

Léia :)

Daryl said...

I hope the Chinese build things better for themselves than the way they build/make exports

Luis Gomez said...

Great shot Bibi. A story telling shot.

Leslie: said...

I wonder what took so long to have it razed. And I wonder what will stand in its place. Great shot! :D

Gigi Ann said...

It is so sad how war ruins so many nice building.

photowannabe said...

The politics of war...glad another embassy has been built after far too long.
War is just so ugly.

Roger Owen Green said...

I'm surprised it took so long ro raze. Hope the new bldg doesn't suffer a similar fate in the next war.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Anonymous said...

It's kinda sad that wars destroy important buildings.. More sad, that such embassies are somewhat destroyed by people of ill purposes..

Wars truly are ugly. World PEACE, people.

Gaelyn said...

About time to remove this eye sore and sad reminder.

Leif Hagen said...

I wonder what will be built in its place after all the clean-up?!

Olivier said...

une destruction par grignotage et un bout de l'histoire d'un quartier qui disparaît. Belle photo

Costea Andrea Mihai said...

very good shot!! There were terrible times,now is time to reconstruction

Yoshi said...

I'm not gonna mention about political issue but I would say that I love your image. Construction/Destruction of the building is so attractive to me. I took similar shot.
Have a wonderful day.

B SQUARED said...

How did that machine get up there? And how is it going to get down?

Tumblewords: said...

An incredible image. Stirring R post, to be sure.

Ken Mac said...

this is the only chinese thing in decline....


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.