Thursday, November 18, 2010

"The end is near"

The end of what? Maybe the end of all the laundry to be done that day!


Gaelyn said...

How about just the end of doing laundry, ever. ;)

You do find the most interesting things to photograph.

Luis Gomez said...

WONDERFUL! What a great shot Bibi!

Leif Hagen said...

My mother used to often hang our laundry out on the clothesline in our yard! The laundry always smelt so clean and fresh!

cocoa and coconut said...

What a cool shot! Hanging laundry out to dry like that is to exotic to me.

Randy said...

What a great find! said...

they call the town of Montauk on Long Island 'The End' because it is at the very end of Long Island.
& believe it or not people wear t-shirts with this very slogan printed on them just like I see here in your photo!
I wonder if the owner of that T-shirt visited & brought home this souvenir?

Olivier said...

superbe photo, tu aurais du la garder pour le jour ou tu clôtureras ton blog (je dis pas ça pour que tu clôtures ton blog ;o)) ). bravo pour le coup d’oeil

Pat said...

Gee, Lily....maybe someone HAS visited Long Island. Not impossible!

J e l e n a said...

We are not the only country to Sun dry our laundry. Actually now in the light of conserving energy we are quite ahead of the European Union.

B SQUARED said...

Oh no! I almost missed it.

Daryl said...

Fabulous catch!

Costea Andrea Mihai said...

:) well seen!!! regards

Chuck Pefley said...

I need one of those shirts ... well, perhaps not. I still think it's funny, though. Nicely spotted -:)

James said...

I love it! Very cool shot Bibi. :)

Tash said...

I wonder if the other side says "THE BEGINNING". :)
Whoever hangs that laundry really takes pride in their is so orderly.

'Tsuki said...

Very funny !

Pam Lane said...

Great photo and perfect title!

Gunn said...

Well seen and well done!:)


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.