Thursday, November 11, 2010


This little boy played the accordion while his sister played the violin, and both were very good. These kids were most probably inspired by the Piler children I showed you before, who were lucky enough to win first place on the TV show, "Serbia's Got Talent." They are now pursuing a music career abroad.

I wish this brother and sister well; they too have talent.


Leif Hagen said...

I would definitely have thrown some change in their instrument case! Good luck you musical kids!

Randy said...

What a wonderful capture. He has hypnotic eyes.

Tash said...

Such a good looking boy too. That's a hard instrument to play and to be good at his age - wow! - my cousin in Novi Sad practiced it for a few years. I wish him and his sister great success.

cocoa and coconut said...

Amazing! He's such a cute little thing too

Luis Gomez said...

What a lovely image Bibi. Love his eyes. said...

What a beautiful portrait! & I love the accordion.

Costea Andrea Mihai said...

very expressive portrait!!! congratulations!

B SQUARED said...

I don't see many accordions any more.

Virginia said...

Oh you captured him beutifully. Were they playing on the street for coins BIbi? I wish them well.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Bless his little heart... His instrument is missing a key or two but the look on his face is so compelling. You have captured a beautiful portrait here... You can almost see his soul through those eyes.

Chuck Pefley said...

I trust they were amply rewarded by passersby! Playing on the street takes much courage and can be brutal at times. Not for the timid nor faint of heart!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.