Monday, November 15, 2010

'Old timers' Museum

This post goes out for Louis La Vache of San Francisco Bay Daily Photo, who loves cars. Belgrade has an automobile museum, affectionately known as the 'old timers' museum. I passed by the other day and took this photo of an old Opel (ask Louis what year....).

I must go in sometime....


Tash said...

It's a beauty. I wasn't a big fan of old cars until my son got interested in them. Now I oooh and aaah every time I pass by one, esp. those that are in nice condition.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

That is a beauty and I am sure that Louis will be right over to check it out. It looks to be in fine condition, too!

Have a great week!

Louis la Vache said...

«Louis» thanks you, Bibi! He thinks this is fantastic!
However, he isn't as well-versed in European cars as he is American cars, so he doesn't know the year of this Opel. It appears to «Louis» that it is one from the late 1960s.

Even though he doesn't know what year this Opel is, he appreciates you thinking of him and posting this with him in mind. This made «Louis'» day!

Richard Lawry said...

Great photo of the Opel. I have never seen one like that in the U.S. Probably a bit older than those that were imported here.

An Arkies Musings

Alexa said...

Very cool! I don't drive but do appreciate a vintage vehicle. Love to ride around in my friend's 1960-something Mustang and 1930's bright red pickup truck.

Olivier said...

elle est magnifique cette vieille Opel, et tu as fait un beau traitement

Luis Gomez said...

Great looking car. I love automobile museums.

Lynette said...

Great photo. Please do go in some time and take lots of photos to share with us. I am quite partial to vintage vehicles, like Louis.

nouvelles couleurs - vienna atelier said...

a nece toght and the photo is so cool!

B SQUARED said...

A nice ride but it's no Yugo.

Virginia said...

I'd forgotten all about the Opel! Old Timers Museum? I might qualify.

Daryl said...

Hey is that a Yugo? ;-)

Gaelyn said...

Nice car. Love the color.

Leif Hagen said...

I love your photo with the nose of that old Opel pushing out towards me! What year, Louie la Vache, what year is it?!

Deezakula said...

I have been inside the museum. And its a very nice museum but a very small one.
For example they have Tito´s old Fiat-car.
But the sad thing about the museum, as lot of the times in serbia, its very smokey.. And thats something i really hate about serbia :(


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.