Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Pretty but pesky pests

"Aren't they cute?" is what I said to my friend when we saw scores of these ladybugs on a tree in the province of Vojvodina (VOY-vo-deen-a) north of Belgrade. They are cute and they are ladybugs, but not the domestic kind, as you can see by their variations. They're Asian ladybugs and were imported for use in greenhouses to control aphids, a common pest. These ladybugs have become pests themselves, since they weren't happy being confined just to greenhouses. They apparently threaten the domestic ladybug, they bite (so people claim), and when squashed they release a yellow powder which leaves a stain.

I think they look like bumper cars on this photo.


Lowell said...

Well, I've learned something! They look like regular, non-biting ladybugs. I don't think I like the Asian kind.

This happens all the time when we mess with Mother Nature. The cure is worse than the disease!

Luis Gomez said...

Thanks for this post. I agree with Jacob.

Gaelyn said...

I was thinking the latest fashion in bike helmets. Cute, but not if a pest. I've seen 100s of them huddled into a corner of a friends living room hibernating over winter. She didn't think they were so cute.

Alexa said...

When we were children we used to sing, "Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home. Your house is on fire and your children are burning." Seriously? That is so Brothers Grimm (though I don't remember being bothered by it when I was little). These guys may be pests, but they're pretty. Great shot, Bibi! (And you're still on the mend, I hope.)

Olivier said...

"Vole vole vole
Petite coccinelle
Laisse-moi compter tes vies sur tes ailes
Toi qui n'as jamais vu ta colère dis-moi
Dis-moi comment faire comme toi"

Belle collection, tu vas faire un élevage ? c'est très utile pour tuer les mauvaises bêtes dans les jardins (et c'est naturel)

Vicki said...

They do look cute, but sadly like all introduced species they can become pests.

The possum, native to Australia, is protected here and not a problem, but in New Zealand it has become a major pest.

B SQUARED said...

Another example of, "be careful what you wish for."

Rob said...

They do bite, at least the ones here in the states. Love your comment they look like bumper cars, brilliant!

Daryl said...

They do look like bumper cars and its sad but seems to happen quite often the cure for one thing turns out to be bad for another

Pedro D. H. said...

I almost said that the are cute, not anymore!

Z said...

I used to wear lady bug pin all the time

Jilly said...

You can buy tiny stick on models of these - people put them on plants. I thought this is what they were and now find they are real. Also I didn't realise these are different to the common ladybug so what a shame they eat it. Man is so damned clever at times, this is what happens.


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