Saturday, November 20, 2010

Reflections Weekend--too frequently seen

A sad photo of a scene too often viewed in large cities. Belgrade has been enjoying unseasonably warm weather, but soon this unfortunate man will have to seek a warmer place, perhaps in one of Belgrade's homeless shelters.

Soon it will be Thanksgiving in the US; be thankful for what you have...

See other reflections at James'REFLECTIONS WEEKEND.


James said...

Very sad photo indeed but a reminder to reflect on what we're thankful for.

Malyss said...

Yes, too frequently seen, and everywhere, it seems.
This is a strong shot.

'Tsuki said...

Geat shot, very moving. Thanks for reminding us how lucky we are by those cold nights to have a roof and something warm to eat...

You have my vote, for this week reflection contest.

Anonymous said...

Great shot on so many levels. First the shop behind is up for sale (another result of the economic crisis), then the homeless man and to top it off the irony with the Loto/Bingo stickers.

Nefertiti said...

photo touchante qui reflete une dure realite

bravo pour cette photo

Clytie said...

A very poignant photo. I guess things are hard all over the world. I see so much homelessness in the city near where i live, and i think I should try to do something for them. Then I get to my nice warm dry house and forget. SHAME ON ME.

Luis Gomez said...

You are right, too often most everywhere. Nowadays even smaller cities have their share of homeless men and women as well. There is so much we should be thankful for.

Gabriela Abalo said...

touching photo

thanks for sharing it

greetings from Uruguay

Cezar and Léia said...

This is very sad indeed, also a double reflection, about life and the reflection on the window shop.
Hugs and a nice weekend,

Gaelyn said...

Sure hope there's room at a shelter.

As always, your candid shots speak 1000 stories, any one of which will snag some heartstring.

Shirley said...

Thought provoking for sure. It's so sad to see and it's becoming more common.

Cildemer said...

Yes, it makes me sad to see so much misery!
And that's becoming too common everywhere! Alas!

Have a nice weekend****

Randy said...

That truly is sad. I see them every morning on the way to work. Most are making their way south to warmer climates.

Leif Hagen said...

December is the month in which our church takes in the homeless - especially important in the cold, snowy month of December!
Indeed we have much for which to be thankful!

Fabien said...

Nice vew for a sad life !

daniele said...

as i remember, in belgrade it is not so frequently to see these things... in each italian big city, unfortunately, there are hundreds... during tito time, i think, you hadn't these problems...


Springman said...

I wonder what his story is? Thought provoking.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Thank you for a sobering post today. We need to be thankful for what we have and to offer a hand-up to those in need in these tough economic times.

Thanks for posting...

Tash said...

Such a sad sight to reflect upon. We have a "bus-stop" man in PV, who's been on the street for at least 5 years...with all the wealth around here, it's unforgivable. Of course, I see so many in Torrance, Long Beach...
Well done to post this, "Bibi".

Olivier said...

une belle photo, mais dure et triste pour cette personne


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.