Friday, November 26, 2010

SKYWATCH = Belgrade Aviation Academy

Like with the ranks of the military personnel I posted on Monday, I am not good at naming aircraft. All I know is that this airplane is old (duh..) and that it stands in front of the Belgrade Aviation Academy. I think it is probably yearning to make a streak in the sky like the one above, but's forever grounded.

Check out other skies on SKYWATCH


Luis Gomez said...

Great picture! Love the sky.

Andy said...

It might be old but a new plane has left it's mark in the sky above. Nice capture!

Anonymous said...

This photo is very beautiful, I like the originality of the plane in this scene !! :)


Vladimir Krzalic said...

The Airplane in the picture is J-21 "Jastreb".
You can see more on this plane here:

I went to this school from '93 to '97 :)


Hildred said...

Great picture and great plane, too.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Love the juxtaposition of old and new... it does look like it is yearning to make a streak through the sky!

Gaelyn said...

Kind of looks ready to take off.

Kim, USA said...

Fantastic shot!
My week sky

Gemma Wiseman said...

A stunning feature in front of the acadedemy!

Lowell said...

I'm not aviation expert, either, but this plane looks very similar to the planes we were flying when I was in the U.S. Navy (mid to late 50s)...

It's a nice shot.

Re your comment on Ocala DP: Yes, I think many stores have these kinds of security gates...but not so much in our mall here in Ocala. Perhaps Belk was just behind the times.

Bergson said...

superbes couleurs
il est preêt au décollage

Daryl said...

What no comment from BSquared? I was sure he'd say an airborne Yugo!


great shot...nice image

Vladimir Krzalic said...


You're right. Id does have simillar design to P-80 Shooting star that USAF used and it was the first operational jet figther they've used.
You can see more here:

Tash said...

Super cool shot.
Sometimes being late is a time saver...I would have spent hours finding out what aircraft that is (hvala Vlado).


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.