Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sunday Bridges--The Bridge on the Drina

I did not take this photo myself. I downloaded it from the Internet right here where you can read more about this Nobel Prize-winning novel by Ivo Andric. We have this book in our library at school, but I was unable to take my own photo, since I've been downed by a flu bug this past week. I hate to be sick.

Check out more bridges on Louis LaVache's Sunday Bridges.


Gerald (SK14) said...

A real AND a surreal bridge at the same time. I haven't read the book but will keep a look out for it now.

Unknown said...

Amazing - hope you get better soon.

Lesley said...

Wow. that is quite the "image of the bridge".

VioletSky said...

this looks interesting.

Luis Gomez said...

Hope you get better soon!

Gaelyn said...

That's an amazing illustration.

genie said...

This is such an interesting book cover illustration....very unusual. Now you have stirred up my curiosity so will have to see if we have it in our public library. I know it is not at my middle school. Hope you are feel better is no fun being on the icky list.

J e l e n a said...

A beautiful idea for a post and Nobel winner as a recommendation for a reading to all of your foreign friends. Did you know Robert Deniro's daughter is named Drina since he read the book while he was in Serbia that was left in his hotel room at Intercontinental as a present. Drina (river) is one of the main characters in the book. He also hitch hiked through Serbia when he was a struggling actor and fell in love with its people.

Elisa said...

Very interesting :)
A great idea for a Sunday bridge
Have a great Sunday
Elisa, Argentina

A. said...

Get well soon, Pat!
Best from Bucharest.

Randy said...

Looks like an interesting read. Hoping you feel better soon!

Tash said...

I missed this post...interesting cover & NPR endorsement - great publicity for Mr. Andric. (I have both the English & Serbian editions...but I have not gotten very far into either one. One of these days!)


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.