Gosh, what to say? This window washer is concentrating so hard on cleaning the windows that he doesn't even notice the ladies behind him want to lend him a hand...and an arm....
These mannequins remind me of their New Belgrade cousins I photographed
here a while back.
Check out other reflections at
Newtown Daily Photo.
It may be because his supervisor is back there keeping an eye on him!
I would have posed next to one of the mannequins for your camera!
Makes you wonder what is going through his mind.
OH my! Great shock value but maybe he's just past all that.
This is great! Love it Bibi.
at first I thought he was part of the display and holding a gun!
I love this shot Bibi.
Ha! Too funny.
That is a really funny one... This old man working at some domestic task with those nude womam corpse behind... LOL ! And it has some profund sense too, sociological, and even philosophical... Great shot indeed !
Made me smile. What a candid capture.
An Arkies Musings
makes me wonder if there is a picture of me doing something embarrassing posted on someone's blog!
Wonderful candid shot, but i think whoever positioned these mannequins has a great sense of humor.
This just over the top funny! I don't understand how the window washer can keep a straight face... love it!
belle idee pour le reflet et puis tu fais monter ton audimat en nous proposant des mannequins nus ;o))
Naked girls, you get used to them!
Hah! I've a similar image from the city of Pisa. Nicely seen scene -:)
A great shot!;)
Well seen and well done!
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