Saturday, December 18, 2010


A classic shot for the holidays...

See more reflections on JAMES' REFLECTIONS WEEKEND.


Luis Gomez said...

A beautiful one!

Suburban Girl said...

Definitely classic!

Lowell said...

This is Christmas card quality...send it to Hallmark! Gorgeous!

Randy said...

I never tire of photos like this.

Gaelyn said...

Classic Beauty!

cocoa and coconut said...

Classic baulbles can always bring joy! I'm liking the glitter too.

Alexa said...

As you say . . . and I love that you are reflected here too. Happy holidays!

Lorac said...

Very festive capture for Weekend Reflections! Nicely done!

Bruce said...

I really enjoy your pictures! Here is a link to a site where you can add a copyright text on your photos
Ciao, Bruce

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Ah, I see the photographer hidden on the left! Lovely photo!

namaki said...

Nice Christmas reflection !!!

DeLi said...

classic yuletide combination!

'Tsuki said...

Yes, classic indeed... But we can't be original each time !

Anne-Ma said...

Classique mais belle ambiance de Noël.

RNSANE said...

A perfect shot for this week before Christmas...and it must really feel like Christmas in Belgrade!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.