Friday, December 17, 2010

SKYWATCH FRIDAY church tower

The tower of Belgrade's main church, located across the street from the patriarch's residence, stands out against a cold winter sky.

See other skies on SKYWATCH FRIDAY.

21 comments: said...

This is Awesome Bibi! Beautiful! It would make a lovely fine art print.

J e l e n a said...

Beautiful picture. I love this church.

Luis Gomez said...

This is just a gorgeous shot Bibi.

A. said...

like a candlestick in those (pine?) trees.. very nice shot!

TonyC said...

What a cracking shot! absolutely stunning, well done!!

Gaelyn said...

Very nice. Reminds me of a Christmas ornament shape.

Olivier said...

c'est superbe, on dirait un dessin a l'encre de chine

Lowell said...

That is magnificent. How did you do that? Wow!

Alexa said...

Well, let me add my bravas! Seriously, I actually gasped when I saw this—the texture, balance, composition are all stunning. Kudos to you!

Gemma Wiseman said...

A stunning, mystical scene! Beautiful in monochrome!

Pat said...

Thanks, everyone. Actually this is not a monochrome; just haze, overcast. All I did was compose and click.

Lara @ Uproad said...

a wonderful picture. I miss belgrade, but I will be there next April, for a conference! until then, your blog keeps me updated :)

nouvelles couleurs - vienna atelier said...

this is so nice, technk perfect! How do you do????

like a lot

Jilly said...

How fabulous! A magical photo that shows off this beautiful spire so cleverly. Great light.

Thérèse said...

As long as it is not the pollution, then everything is fine.
Have a very nice time in India Bibi!

Daryl said...

Oh Pat, that is beautiful

Arie Uittenbogaard said...

Hi Bibi! Glad I found you. You've been in Belgrade for 30 years; you must have seen some rough times then. I'm a fairly recent addition to Belgrade's busttle but I'm loving it. I have a special interest in churches, so I very much enjoyed your last post.
Thank you,

Francisca said...

You managed to make a drab sky look rather romantic, Bibi!

Marianne said...

This is a beautiful photo. It's stark and haunting. Thanks.

Chuck Pefley said...

Love it, Bibi!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Love this photo. Old Belgrade looks like a phantom in the trees.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.