Monday, December 20, 2010

Radovan on the Road Again--India Part II

Just one year ago, I left for my first trip to India, with my little friend Radovan, shown here by his fireplace and with two of his friends from India. Little did I ever think I would get to India at all, and here I am going again. By the time you read this, I'll already be there...I'm not sure of my Internet connection, so I have uploaded photos until the end of the month. I hope I can post some from India, beginning January 1st. I'll be back on the 6th, and will resume visiting your blogs then!

Wishing you all HAPPY HOLIDAYS!


Gaelyn said...

Have an Awesome time you two. SO look forward to pics and posts upon your return.

Luis Gomez said...

Have a wonderful trip and great Holidays

Alexa said...

I know you'll have a marvelous time! Will be thinking of you (i.e., envying you) and awaiting your safe return.

Leif Hagen said...

Bon voyage, Bibi! My Indian neighbors are going to New Delhi soon to visit their family there at Christmas time. I remember my 5 weeks in Bangalore, New Delhi and Agra back in 2009!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Olivier said...

je te souhaite de bonnes vacances et surtout de joyeuses fetes. C'est un tres beau voyage

Daryl said...

have a wonderful time, be safe!

Unknown said...

Radovan and Ganesha have similar noses! Hope you are having a wonderful time back in India!

Thérèse said...

An unusual set of friends!

RNSANE said...

I spent ten days in India 13 years ago before heading to southeast Asia for a 12 day cruise. I stayed at the home of a crew friend I'd made who worked for Royal Caribbean cruise line. I was treated like a visiting dignitary. I had a wonderful time and I hope to get back ( I'm now
66 ), this time for at least three months. I've made at least a hundred good friends, all crew members I've met while cruising. It is a wonderful country and the people are incredible.

In fact, I just wrote a post yesterday about Indian bloggers! said...

Nice to see you again Radovan!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.