Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Tailor Shop

Need a new suit for the holidays? Some people here still prefer to go to a tailor or dressmaker, and there are quite a few of these shops around. Most appear to be traditional ones, like the shop shown here.


Luis Gomez said...

Sweet! Very nice.

Thérèse said...

The best way to have one's hem right!

Leif Hagen said...

I'd love to visit that store and order a custom made suit for work!

Alexa said...

I'm glad these places still exist—if not here so much, at least somewhere. Hope it doesn't become a dying art..

Olivier said...

c'est superbe, on dirait un dessin

dianasfaria.com said...

& I bet they are always satisfied with how their clothes fit too!
My mother used to sew a lot of my clothes & nothing I've ever bought from a store came close to fitting as well as the clothes she made for me.

Carraol said...

Great image of the shop window, the objects at the bottom look very interesting and the overall is très chic!

J e l e n a said...

The trade is slowly going out of business, but what a beautiful shot!
I wanted to get a small whole repared by a woman who had done stiching for Jovanka Broz. She has a shop in Kralja Milana near Slavia, but the hand reparation of taking threads out and again reconstructing with the same threads was very expensive, so I did not do it! The shop is very small and she is not going to be working there for ages!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Nice photo and enjoyed the story... there are fewer of these tailors than there used to be... a dying art I am afraid.

Daryl said...

Well shot ..


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.