Saturday, December 11, 2010

Reflections Weekend - plate of toes

They grow 'em big here in Serbia. These feet belong(ed) to my Thanksgiving turkey. It weighed 17 kilos (37 pounds). My son had ordered a smaller one from a friend, to be cut up in pieces. Unfortunately, someone's signals got crossed, and he got the mega-turkey in one piece....and frozen.....and a week ahead of time.... There was no way I could fit the whole thing in my freezer, and even if I could have, I didn't want to roast a 17-kilo turkey.

A visit (with the turkey) to my local butcher solved the problem. He sawed it in half, and managed to saw off the two legs. I gave my son the whole half and I roasted the other. My share fed six of us at dinner, and leftovers were given to all.....lots of bird.

But we didn't eat the feet, nor did I use them like some do to flavor soup. Saved them for you!

See other reflections at James' Reflections Weekend.


'Tsuki said...

Unusual subject for a plate light reflection... Very good composition !

Luis Gomez said...

Thanks for saving them! Great food shot!

Tali said...

You may cringe reading this but i loove the feet and innards!!

Lowell said...

Yikes! That's enough to make me a vegetarian like Lois Anne. :-)

I'm not sure I've ever heard of a turkey that big! Sounds like you did exactly what needed to be done. But did you do the two-step while it was roasting?

Gaelyn said...

That has got to be the Most unusual T-day place setting I've ever seen. They do grow them big there. Wow! I hope if you eat lamb for Christmas you use a different butcher. ;)

Alexa said...

Wow—this is a hoot! That sure was some BIG bird. When I was little (2, 3, 4), my mother's butcher always gave me chicken feet to play with (you pull on the Achilles tendon and the claws curl up). This was in New York City, btw.

Springman said...

and I thought my feet were ugly! said...

wow, thanks for saving this for us Bibi. You're so thoughtful!

Leif Hagen said...

Fun photo but you can keep the feet, I'll take the apple!
CDP blogger Kate and I mentioned your blog during our blog coffee and chat yesterday which you'll see on my blog today!

James said...

I'm not sure why but I can't help staring at this picture. :) Who knew that turkey feet where so interesting.

Tamera said...

Okay, well done food shot, but blech! I would never eat those feet! Ha ha!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Oh my! Those are some big feet! Great shot and interesting (funny) story. Glad that you didn't make soup with them...

Thérèse said...

Cha cha cha, ready to dance!

Carraol said...

Magnificent image of "nature morte vivante" and the story is really special and funny! Saludos de Mexico

Nathalie said...

Oh dear, how weird. But a great photo and an interesting story too!


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