Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Roll 'em!

Here we are on Republic Square again. That's the National Museum on the left, the statue of Prince Mihail in the middle, and the National Theater in the background. The black 'Baltimore Police' car is a prop for the filming of John Cusack's new film, The Raven, depicting the final days of Edgar Allan Poe, which is being filmed partly here in Belgrade. If you click on the link, you'll see that the actor has been enjoying Belgrade's well-known nightlife.

ADDENDUM: Below is a photo I snapped last Saturday when I saw the film crew, and this time the actor (seated), in Kalemegdan Park, waiting for 'action'.


Luis Gomez said...

Wonderful! Pretty cool.

Virginia said...

how exciting. I'd have been hanging around trying to get all up in their stuff the whole time! :)

Olivier said...

superbe cette vieille voiture et la reconstitution

Randy said...

Nice shots. I can't wait to see that film.

Gaelyn said...

Neat old ride. Oh fun to be around a filming.

Lowell said...

Fascinating post. Love that first photograph...so sharp and so interesting...

I think this is a movie I shall have to see.

Love your snap of Cusak sitting in the park. I've heard that making movies is mostly hours of sitting around waiting for a few seconds of action!

Have a great day!

dianasfaria.com said...

I definitely would be interested in seeing this movie.
Great shot Bibi.
& your banner is oh so very tempting!

Daryl said...

Odd .. Baltmore shots done in Serbia .. hey I bet its a lot cheaper than actually shooting in Baltimore

Thérèse said...

Exciting for you and for the cinephiles.

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee...
Picking up on what Daryl wrote, it is also no doubt far more safe to do the filming in Belgrade than in modern crime-ridden and corrupt Baltimore!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.