Friday, December 24, 2010

Snip, snip

Tomorrow is Christmas, but not here in Serbia. Serbian Orthodox Christmas falls on January 7th, but perhaps these fellows are getting ready for New Year's Eve and want to beat the crowd. It's quite common that there are lady barbers here.


Luis Gomez said...

Quite a barbershop!

Tali said...

Im born on 7th Jan. Im catholic Croatian but have Orthadox family so I get to celebrate 2x.. so i get twice the delicious food! :) I refer to myself as Orthlic.
(I like to remind everyone regularly my birthday is a holy day and therefor I am special ;) )

Alexa said...

Just got a haircut myself—but my barber is a cute guy!
To Tali -- make the most of it!

Olivier said...

on se fait beau pour le réveillon ;)
Je te souhaite un joyeux noel

Bergson said...

je te souhaite un joyeux Noël said...

Merry Christmas Bibi!
We actually have a woman barber in our town who works with two other men.
She's very good too.

Kris McCracken said...

From the (almost) very bottom of the World down here in Tasmania, I wish you a very Merry Christmas/Yule/Jul/Winter Solstice/Summer Solstice/Amaterasu/Brumalia/ Deygān/Dōngzhì/Hanukkah/Hogmanay/Jonkonnu/Korochun/Kolyada/koleda/Wren day/Lenæa/Meán Geimhridh/Lohri/Midvinterblót/Modranicht/Mummer's Day/Rozhanitsa Feast/Şewy Yelda/Soyalangwul/Ziemassvētki/Āshūrā/Ras as-Sana al-Hijreya or whatever festival you choose to Celebrate!

If you’re opting out this year, have a great time in the next few weeks and keep up the good work!

Thérèse said...

Sretan Bozic Bibi & Co!

Lowell said...

I've been scrolling down through your posts. Had no idea I've missed so many...just get too darn busy.

I love them all...the barber shop, the wedding with the dog, the tailor's shop (we don't have many of these around any more)...

Enjoy your trip!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.