Thursday, December 23, 2010

Take your pick.

If you've got a sweet tooth, you can easily satisfy it in Belgrade. See anything you like....?


Luis Gomez said...

Can I try all of them? ;)

Gaelyn said...

At least one of each please.

Olivier said...

tout cela semble bon et donne envie ;))))

Leif Hagen said...

OMG! I'd like to try one of each of them but not in one day - I'd have an pancreatic attack!
Delicious photo, Bibi!

cocoa and coconut said...

Definitely something for everyone. They look equally delicious!

J e l e n a said...

I have tried Mozzart and Bomba cake and they were great. I even had my wedding cake Esterhazy ordered from Them, the cake was great, but the fondan that I ordered was just plain whipping cream, and the golden bow was glued together. I was very dissapointed once I saw it when they delivered it to the restaurant. It cost an arm and a leg. Nothing like the picture I ordered.

Alexa said...

That gigantic chocolate confection is calling to me! But I'd best refrain—if I don't want to have mal au foie (and gain a ton too).

knez011 said...

I like that chocolate bomba thing right up front - can't miss it even if I wanted to...

Tash said...

If they weren't perishable, you'd have to bring some over this summer. Yum!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.