Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Why is this man smiling?

Well, I'd like to say it was because I told him he'd be on Yankee in Belgrade, but he was just a happy guy. Let there be more people like him!


Olivier said...

superbe ce portrait ;o) plein de bonheur , bravo

Luis Gomez said...

Great smile. Nice picture!

Gaelyn said...

I thought maybe you'd shown him all that candy in your header. Enough to make anyone smile. Great smile and capture.

Lowell said...

I think I'd make it a point to stop and buy a paper from him every morning...it would be a nice way to start the day with that big smile!

Great shot, Bibi!

Melissa Enderle said...

Ha! I remember when you took that photo. It was in Vranje, right?

Bob Crowe said...

That's a fabulous photograph. It's as if you hung his portrait in the middle of the newsstand.

Leif Hagen said...

I bet he has a great sense of humor! He's be a fun guy with whom to talk and tease!

Pat said...

Hi, Melissa! Yes, he was in Vranje. I was browsing thru my photos and saw him; realized I'd never posted his happy face, so....

Tash said...

His smile is contagious. He is framed by the little window like he is on the cover of a magazine...and now he is on the front page of your blog. :)

Jilly said...

He's smiling cos he's looking at you. I'd be smiling if I was looking at you! I love the portrait and the framing. It's SO good.

Alexa said...

I'd love to get my daily paper from this guy! You really should go back and tell him to check out this blog post—I bet he'd be thrilled.

J e l e n a said...

When I see someone being extra cheerful and nice in our gloomy city I also can not help but comment how nice they are and kind!

Louis la Vache said...

Indeed! He has a contagious (in the positive sense of the term) smile! Did you note the "Barbie" magazine under his counter?

E-mail ol' «Louis» some of those tasty-looking petits-fours in your masthead photo, willya?!

Virginia said...

I thought it was a poster! :) He is a happy guy. Go buy something from him and tell him he's famous now.

Daryl said...

And who wouldnt smile for you?

Randy said...

We need more people like him all over the world.

James said...

What a nice photo and such a happy guy. I tried this in Paris and got a scowl and a good cussing out in French. :(


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.