Wednesday, February 2, 2011

ABC WEDNESDAY-"C" is for "Chocolate Cake"

....aaannnd "celebration," since today, lest you have forgotten, is my birthday! Enjoy a piece of "cyber cake" (more c's!) Take your pick!

See other c's on


Richard Lawry said...

You are making me hungry!!

An Arkies Musings

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I would love a petit tranche of chocolate cake, an end piece with lots of icing! Hope that you have a wonderful celebration!


MuseSwings said...

Happy Birthday! I'll have some of the chocolate cake if you don't mind. Just a sliver.

Emy said...

Happy birthday! The cake seems so delicious! Compliments for the blog.I've been following you for some time, and being away from Belgrade, your posts make me feel less nostalgic for home! Greetings from Italy!

Luis Gomez said...

Have a wonderful day and happy birthday! Thanks for the cake.

Marianne said...

Hi Bibi, It's not even midnight there and you have well wishers already.
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday.
Thanks for the cake.

Olivier said...

j'aime j'aime j'aime et j'aime ;))

Eryl said...

Very happy birthday to you. I don't think I could survive a cake shop window like that!

Thérèse said...

Happy Happy birthday and don't forget "a little too much chocolate is about right!"

Lowell said...

May I have a taste of each? A cyber taste? And it's a good thing all I can do is look and enjoy visually, 'cause the number of calories present in these goodies is humongous!

Tash said...

I'll take a slice of each please!
Nice cyber experience...really whet my appetite.

Tash said...

And of course...HAPPY BIRTHDAY, dear "Bibi"!!!
Cрећан рођендан!
Много љета cретна била, била, била,
много љета живела. ♪♪♪

Sara Katt said...

Happy Birthday!
Chocolate is a good C-word! My two-legged mother loves chocolate! But it is poison for us cats and even dogs. (We lack an emzeme in our tummies that you have to have to digest it.)
Nice post!
Sara Cat

Sara Cat's ABCWedrd-8-C as in Cheshire Cat

joan said...

Happy Birthday! The cake looks amazing. I hope you enjoyed a big slice. Thanks for sharing your pictures. I like your perspective.

Gaelyn said...

Happy Birthday!!!!! I'd share cake with you anytime. Hope you enjoyed your special day.

Tumblewords: said...

Happy Birthday! I'd love to share your cake with you - or maybe even two!

Leif Hagen said...

Cut me some caloric chocolate cyber cake! Celebrate!

Bon anniversaire! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! Happy Birthday, Bibi of Belgrade! Grattis pa fodelsedagen! O tanjobi ni omedito gozaimasu! Gratulere med dagen!

Jack said...

Well, I didn't know it is your birthday, but Congratulations and Compliments on the Charming Culinary Concoctions, the Chocolate Cakes.

knez011 said...

Happy Birthday - Srecan Rodjendan!

Carraol said...

Happy Birthday Bibi! The cakes looks delicious, specially the chocolate one.

Chuck Pefley said...

Oh, my! You do know how to throw a party!

Happy Birthday -:)

photowannabe said...

Thanks for the yummy chocolate cake Bibi. Wishing you the very best birthday ever.

Costea Andrea Mihai said...

Looks so tasty :) you make me day more sweet :) best regards from an frozen city :((((

Roger Owen Green said...

tasy-looking CAKE.
and of COURSE, happy birthday!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Kris McCracken said...

Happy birthday. I hope that you got a couple of those cakes.

Or at least a pair of socks.

Soma said...

Happy Birthday! Aquarius! :-) All the best!

Saretta said...

Happy Birthday! The cake looks yummy!

Anca said...

Health and joy for you and your children! You share the birthday with my sister, Pat! ;) A hug from Bucharest, Anca

Bradley Hsi said...

Happy birthday and Happy Chinese new Year!

Unknown said...

Cheers, Bibi, on your birthday! Chocolate cake, cyber or not, is the coolest confection for a birthday.
HelenMac, ABC Wednesday Team

Francisca said...

I was going to say I was upset you tempt me with that luscious looking chocolate cake, but since it's your birthday, exceptions must be made. I'll have a slice, maybe two! HaPpY hApPy BiRtHdAy, Bibi. Hope you kick-started a wonderful new year.

Barbara said...

Happy birthday and thanks for the cyber cake!

Daryl said...

Drool ...

Alexa said...

Buon Compleanno, Cara! I'm with Genie—I'll take the other end, with lots of icing. Perhaps Cyber Cake is a better idea—no Calories. Hope you Celebrated with a Coupe de Champagne!

Leslie: said...

Oh Bibi! You are SO mean to post these delicious pictures! I want to reach through the computer screen and into the window to grab a piece! lol



 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.