Wednesday, December 21, 2011

ABC WEDNESDAY--"W" is for "women workers"

Women workers....and winter, too. Those are my W's. This photo was actually taken last year, but it reminds me of a scene that was common when I first came here 35 years ago when you saw lots of field work by hand and horse, and few machines and tractors.

See other W's at ABC WEDNESDAY.


photowannabe said...

That's a huge field to be worked by hand. You have a great photojournalism picture there.

Roger Owen Green said...

a lot of WORK to do

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Leslie: said...

I hope they are all warm out there in that ccccold looking winter wonderland. Wishing you warm greetings for the season!

abcw team

Lowell said...

What a shot. It looks like something from the Soviet era or perhaps a photo taken in the 30s in the southwestern US.

Olivier said...

beau b&w

Leif Hagen said...

Bibi - This posting reminds me of weeding my parents' 40 X 100 feet vegetable garden while our friends were playing.....

Thérèse said...

This picture reminds me of Dorothy Lange's style.
So much hard work.

Luis Gomez said...

What a GREAT image Bibi! Wonderful!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

To echo previous comments, very much in the spirit of Life magazine and photojournalism of the mid-20th century. Be proud of this photo.

Alexa said...

Love this! (I'm playing catch-up here, and just want to say that I've enjoyed all your latest posts (even if I was too busy to say so!).

Daryl said...

Thats some large field they're working

knez011 said...

Hate to say this, but it reminds me of pictures of North Korea.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.