Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Devil's Town

In an earlier post, I showed you some snow globes, one of which contained a tiny version of these pinnacles at Djavolja Varoš (DJAH vole-yuh VAH-rush) or "Devil's Town" in Southern Serbia. I have visited this place twice, and am looking forward to returning. It's hard to tell the scale here, but the 'towers' are anywhere from 6-30 feet tall.


Olivier said...

Quel paysage....il faut pas tomber

Luis Gomez said...

Pretty amazing Bibi.

Lowell said...

I can see this place got the name - a bit eerie...I suppose water rushed through the area at one time creating these "towers." Quite fascinating!

Gaelyn said...

A very interesting landscape.

Tash said...

The place ROCKS! Terrific photo, Beebs.

Thérèse said...

Un peu comme les cheminees de fees! Cela m'a l'air tres beau.

Daryl said...

I want to know more about this place .. its very intriguing ..


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.