Wednesday, January 12, 2011

ABC Wednesday ---'Z' is for 'zounds'!

"Zounds," though somewhat outdated, is an expression denoting surprise or anger. For me, it was 'surprise' when I saw this old typewriter in a bookstore window. Not because it was an older manual machine, but the keyboard is in Latin characters, while it appears to have 'typed' a text in Cyrillic! :) Surprising, for sure.

Check out other Z's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Leslie: said...

That IS surprising! I remember learning to type on an old Remington or Underwood manual typewriter at school. I did very well at it and now on the computer am able to type around 100 wpm! Love your photo! See you in Round 8, I hope. :D

Richard Lawry said...

I used to see the word in old comic strips. I never knew what it meant, but thought that it was a mild form of cussing.

An Arkies Musings

Roger Owen Green said...

What a find! And how peculiar...

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Wanda said...

Wow ~ That's just amazing...What a find! What a way to end this round!!! :)

Luis Gomez said...

Love it!

photowannabe said...

That is odd but good for you catching the difference. Perfect post for the letter Z.

Chuck Pefley said...

Dichotomy is the bane of the observant?

Gaelyn said...

That's just Too funny! You have such a great eye for details.

Hildred said...

Zounds and E Gad, you have a real find here.

Thérèse said...


Tumblewords: said...

My gosh! What a find! Love it...I learned to type on an old Remington that resembled this one.

Olivier said...

j'adore cette vieille machine à ecrire, meme si je ne serais pas quoi en faire, j'aimerais l'acheter

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee...
«Louis» was in hopes someone would choose Zounds for Z-Wednesday!

Daryl said...

Oh that is a wonderful old typewriter and a superb photo!

Sleepwalker said...

You don't really think that text was typed on that machine?:)
It's Geca Kon Bookstore?
I would say...that's only decoration, but you outsmart the decorator:))

Unknown said...

What a peculiar find, but what a great exclamation for Z day!
HelenMac, ABC team

Pat said...

Hi, Sasha! Yes, of course I know it was a decoration! That's why I put the word 'typed' in quotation marks! It is in the bookstore toward the end of Knez Mihailova Street, towards BeoIzlog. Don't know the name.

Jesús Garrido said...

bien dicho


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.