Monday, January 17, 2011

Those who cross and she who waits

Do you always wait for the little green man sign to cross the street? If there's no car (or policeman) in sight, I cross, unlike this girl who is patiently waiting.....


Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Oh, I definitely cross! Love the silhouettes and the street decorations overhead.


Luis Gomez said...

It depends. Great image Bibi.

Gaelyn said...

I don't always wait. But don't live where there are any.

Kris McCracken said...

With kids, I wait 100% of the time. Without, I will cross if the sight lines are good and it's clear that there is no traffic.

Hobart has quite a few one way streets, and it’s easy to cross on a green light when there’s no car on the road!

Virginia said...

What wonderful composition. I cross when it's safe even in Paris. Shhhh.... don't tell! :)

Lowell said...

In Florida, few people notice the color of the lights...if there's a break in traffic, away they go.

Great shot here. Almost looks like a puppet show...

Olivier said...

magnifique ces ombres et illuminations de noel, cela me fait penser des zombies dans un film.tres belle photo

Carraol said...

Great catch, the silhouettes make a fine composition! Here in MC we cross with the red light and with a safe distance between the cars, taxis, trucks, bikes, buses, etc.

Andy said...

When pedestrians do dumb things they get kill or injured. They also cause grief to some innocent person that they involved with their stupidity. My opinion is based on 42 years of driving a bus. I've seen too many people injured because they think it's okay to do dumb things. Now that I got that off my chest... nice photo.

Thérèse said...

Elle se tient bien droite cette femme! Perdue dans son reve ou dans un petit repos momentane...
Une bien belle photo.

Alexa said...

Love the silhouettes! It depends—but in Rome, I'm practically phobic about it and always wait for an actual Roman to cross with!

Z said...

I love the photo! It looks mysterious! said...

I love these interesting silhouettes.

Chuck Pefley said...

I only stand on the curb when snowflakes hang in the air -:)


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.