Saturday, November 5, 2011

WEEKEND REFLECTION--Baby Mila's eye...

There IS a small reflection here in her left eye. My son's daughter, Mila, is now nearly four months old, but this photo is from a bit earlier. And if you're not happy with that reflection, you can check out the one in the photo below: my daughter in Seattle is expecting for next May! New cousin for Mila! What will it be? If you've had children, were you able to know if they were going to be a boy or girl? If you haven't, would you like to know?

See other reflections on WEEKEND REFLECTION.


Roberto Machado Alves said...

A beautiful baby. Eyes bright and wonderful.

Roberto, Rio de Janeiro

Lowell said...

She's a doll and she's watching you very closely! Looks like you're going to have more fun next May!

Anonymous said...

I was waiting for next photo of Mila.And soon you will have another cuddler.Lucky you.Mila is sweetest baby ever;)

Marites said...

aww..she's so cute!! the light probably from the window or door helped light up her eyes.

Louis la Vache said...

Baby Mila is quite photogenic! Great shot, Bibi!
Congratulations to your daughter in Seattle!

Tash said...

Hello you darling baby! Love the pose with her eyes wide open. And love, as before, her pretty dark hair!
Congrats on the upcoming addition to the family. How great for your daughter.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.