Institute for Neonatology currently has a photo exhibit in Tasmajdan Park, dedicated to all the prematurely-born babies who, thanks to the Institute's care, made the transition from fragile newborns to healthy children. On each board, as you can see, are one or two photographs, with information about the child and his or her (or their, in the case of these twins) family. Sunny skies in store for them and pretty soon they'll be strolling through parks like the children you see on the sidewalk.
See other skies at
A wonderful program and a beautiful photograph. HDR?
Wonderful photo!
Interesting pairing of the neonatal posters and the beautiful sky.
Great subject of exhibit, very useful study.
I did not see this, but then again I don't stroll in Tashmajdan often. I suppose it is for the incubator campaign, or the milk bank that they have. We have some great neonatologists in this country.
so you have been to Seattle & back again & somehow I missed it! a belated happy halloween to you & Radovan miss Bibi.
I've been a little lax with blogging these days but I am finally getting back in the swing of things!
: )
a good way to make people aware.
Fascinating ... and a nice shot!
Now that's a happy display—and a beautiful sky!
My son was premature baby and a patient of Institute for 3 months. That was real struggle! I can confirm that both babies and doctors are genuine heroes. (My son is almost 14 years old now, health and handsome young man, basketball player, excellent in school)
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